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Quotes, Sunday's Saying

Sunday’s Saying

 “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” ~Andre Gide

It is so easy to stay on the path that you have been on for so long. And it is so hard to break free of this path to begin a transformation. In the context of health and wellness, oftentimes, people who have adopted an unhealthy lifestyle have been doing it for years. To decide to make a change is easy, but making the change is a challenge. In my case, even though prior to my injury I was healthy and fit, I got into a 4 year rut of unhealthy eating in combination with an inability to exercise. The results were devastating for me as I gained 40+ pounds. I decided I had to make a change multiple times, but I was unable to stick to it. I liked my new unhealthy lifestyle because it was easier. I fell right into the trap.

To really embrace a lifestyle change takes tremendous courage. It seems like a strange word to use. But it can be very scary to commit to leaving a lifestyle behind that you are so used to carrying on, especially if you don’t know how to be successful in the new lifestyle.

I was lucky. My unhealthy lifestyle was not my norm, so it was easier for me to readopt a healthy lifestyle. I know what to do and what to expect. Even still, it was hard for me to change back to my healthy ways. But now that I am back on the path, I am very happy. I feel great; I feel like myself again!

If you are ready to change your lifestyle, congratulations! Know that the road isn’t going to be easy, but it is worth it in the end. You need to be willing to “lose sight of the shore” (your old way of life) to “discover new oceans” (the new you). If you have the courage (and we all have it down deep somewhere), you will succeed. You will be welcoming the new you sooner than you know!

About jamiepgoldstein

I am a 28 year old Physical Therapist from Massachusetts. Right after I passed my boards, 4 years ago, I tore up my knee, requiring 2 surgeries and extensive rehab. An athlete at heart, my knee was so damaged, I couldn't do any of the exercises that I needed to do to stay in shape. So I ended up gaining almost 40 pounds! My knee is finally on the mend 4 years later and it's time to start practicing what I preach to my patients: exercise regularly, eat well, don't give up, and work hard. For the longest time, I would give this advice, but not take it for myself. Well, it's time to instill a change! I'm on the right path. I have lost 15 pounds already, but I want to lose the remaining 25 pounds AND get in the best shape of my life. I am creating this blog to not only keep me honest and erase the hypocrisy of what I have been doing for the past 4 years, but also to inspire others to become healthier by exercising and eating right.


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